5 Common Hearing Loss Myths
Hearing loss is a serious issue that affects millions of people all around
Hearing loss is not a condition that makes itself apparent overnight. Hearing loss can be very gradual, and it could take months or years for the level of hearing loss to become obvious to the point that it requires support. This gradual decline can be difficult to track, which is why it is important to be aware of the initial signs of age-related hearing loss.
This is probably the most well-known symptom of hearing loss. If your hearing is deteriorating gradually in relation to the volume of the television, radio or mobile device going up, this may benefit from a trip to an audiologist for a hearing test.
If you find it difficult to pick out individual voices in a busy environment, for example, at a party, this can be another sign. This can have a number of effects on an individual, not just relating to hearing. For example, if you find it difficult to speak to people in a busy environment, or you find it fatiguing because you have to focus your attention to hear the individual, this can run the risk of the individual becoming more isolated as a result.
Many people ask someone to repeat themselves, and there can be a number of factors at play here. However, if you are asking people to repeat themselves on a regular basis, this could be an initial sign that you should get your hearing checked out.
If you suspect that you are experiencing a gradual decrease in your hearing loss, you should pay particular attention to specific sounds, such as the s and th sounds, in addition to other consonant sounds. Specifically, the s and th sounds vibrate on a wavelength that can become difficult to differentiate as hearing quality decreases.
If your sense of hearing stops working correctly, your brain will substitute for the lack of information by overcompensating in other areas. If you find yourself focusing on people’s mouths, rather than looking into their eyes during a conversation, this could be an initial sign of a hearing condition.
If you are finding it difficult to pick out high-pitched voices or sounds, this could be a sign you have to visit an audiologist. The cochlea, the bone in your ear that helps you interpret sounds, can degrade gradually as you get older because of the aging process. As we get older, the cochlea is one of the first areas to be impacted in general, resulting in difficulties in distinguishing high-pitched sounds.
You may not notice that you are unable to pick out high-pitched noises, but if you suspect you have any form of hearing loss, an audiologist does a very thorough examination, including playing high-pitched noises.
A less obvious symptom of hearing loss is when an individual who experiences headaches because of the constant strain to hear. As the brain is trying to overcompensate in another sense for a lack of hearing, you are working harder, resulting in prolonged strain and can result in ongoing headaches.
As the brain needs to invest more energy into the hearing, you may find your attention levels slipping gradually. As your mind is effectively peddling harder to keep up, even with day-to-day tasks you are normally used to, you could experience issues paying attention.
As we are in a higher state of alertness, this can be evident in a number of different ways, for example, insomnia. If you are overtired, or you wake up in the middle of the night, because your brain is in an ongoing state of attentiveness, it can be difficult to get that all-important rest.
As you can see, there are a diverse number of symptoms relating to hearing loss. Hearing loss is not just a condition that can affect your hearing, but it can make an individual become more withdrawn and in denial that they have any concerns with their hearing at all.
If you experience any sign of hearing loss, it is better to err on the side of caution and book an appointment with an audiologist for a hearing test. You can contact the Physicians Hearing Center at (334) 441-4090 and book an appointment with an audiologist so you can rule out any concerns. If we pick up any sign of hearing loss, it’s important to treat it sooner rather than later.
Hearing loss is a serious issue that affects millions of people all around
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