If you think you might need a hearing aid, you might be wondering if over-the-counter (OTC) options are available. The answer is yes – but there are a few things you should know before making your purchase. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about OTC hearing aids, including how they work, their benefits and drawbacks and whether or not they’re right for you.

What Are Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids?

Over-the-Counter hearing aids are devices that people can purchase without a prescription from a licensed professional. In the past, these devices were only available through audiologists or other hearing healthcare providers.

The FDA has recently changed its stance on OTC hearing aids, and now says that they can be sold without a prescription as long as they’re for individuals with self-perceived mild-to-moderate hearing loss.

How Do Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Work?

OTC hearing aids work in the same way that prescription hearing aids do. They amplify sound so that people with self-perceived hearing loss can hear better. There are varying types of OTC hearing aids, while there are three main types of prescription hearing aids.

There are three types of prescription hearing aids: behind-the-ear (BTE), in-the-ear (ITE) and in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids.

BTE devices are larger than ITE devices and sit outside of the ear. They’re generally more visible than ITE devices, but they’re also more powerful and can be easier to use. ITE devices, on the other hand, fit inside of the ear. They’re less visible than BTE devices, but they’re not as powerful. ITC devices fit inside the canal and are less visible. ITC is the smallest hearing aid, so if you have dexterity issues than this hearing aid might not be the right hearing aid for you.

These prescription hearing aids come with a variety of features that can be customized to each person’s individual needs.

Some of these features include:

  • Directional microphones: These help people hear better in noisy environments by focusing on sounds that are coming from in front of them.
  • Noise reduction: This feature helps to reduce background noise so that people can focus on the sounds they want to hear.
  • Telecoils: These help people hear better on the phone by reducing background noise and providing a clear, direct connection to the person they’re talking to.

What Are the Drawbacks of Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids?

There are also a few drawbacks that come with using OTC hearing aids. First, they may not be as effective as regular hearing aids. This is because they’re not custom-made for each person’s individual needs. Second, they may not last as long as regular hearing aids. This is because they’re not as durable and may not be able to withstand the same level of wear and tear. Which means you will have to replace them more often than not.

Third, they may not come with all of the features that a prescription hearing aid would have. This is because they’re not as sophisticated and don’t have all of the bells and whistles that prescription hearing aids do.

Should You Get an Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid?

If you’re thinking about getting an OTC hearing aid, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making your decision.

On one hand, OTC hearing aids might be more convenient for you than prescription hearing aids, because you would not have to make an appointment with an audiologist, to get an OTC hearing aid. But if you have hearing loss you should talk to an audiologist to see what type and the severity you have. On the other hand, OTC hearing aids may not be as effective, durable as prescription hearing aids.

If you’re not sure whether an OTC hearing aid is right for you, the best thing to do is to talk to your audiologist. They can help you make the best decision for your individual needs.

Physicians Hearing Center Can Help You Find the Right Hearing Aid

At Physicians Hearing Center, we offer a wide range of hearing aids to meet your individual needs. We also offer a variety of services to help you get the most out of your hearing aids, including:

  • Hearing screenings
  • Hearing aid consultations
  • Hearing aid repairs
  • Hearing aid cleanings

We also offer a wide range of financing options to make sure that you can get the hearing aids you need. If you’re interested in learning more about our services, give us a call at (334) 441-4090. We’d be happy to answer any questions you have.

Tags: faqs, over-the-counter hearing aids