While hearing aids are considered a much-needed device for many of those with hearing loss, some still avoid wearing them. Whether this is down to fear of getting your hearing checked or common misconceptions about these devices, the reality is that they can be really useful.

If you’re someone who may need hearing aids or it’s a loved one that’s in need of a hearing aid device, here are some common misconceptions about hearing aids – debunked!

1. Hearing Aids Look Old or Boring

While there may have been some limitations to designs and styles back a few decades ago, that has certainly changed. Not only have the designs and styles changed but you’ve got an abundance of choice when it comes to the type of hearing aid devices you can try. From in-the-canal (ITC) to behind-the-ear (BTE), there’s a hearing aid device for every personal preference.

2. Hearing Aids Are Made for the Elderly

Hearing loss of any severity can impact anyone at any age. Whether it’s something you have from birth, or due to an injury or illness, hearing loss can affect anyone of any age. It’s often been thought that hearing aids are designed and used only by those over a certain age. However, there are a lot more age ranges that use hearing aids, beyond just the elderly.

3. Hearing Aids Are Too Costly

As with a lot of high-quality devices you buy generally, there’s always a budget that may be out of your reach. However, with the advancements made to hearing aids, there are a lot more options to choose from which come with plenty of budget-friendly options too. Just because they’re budget-friendly, doesn’t mean they’re not great in quality by the way. They still do the same job and perform just as well.

4. Hearing Aids Are Only Required for Severe Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is different for everyone and although you may not notice much of a difference, a hearing aid is worth having regardless of how severe the hearing impairment may be. With hearing aids, they’re designed for anyone with mild-to-profound hearing loss.

That’s why it’s important to get your hearing checked by an audiologist regularly. Hearing aids are for those of all hearing impairments.

5. Hearing Aids Make Everything Loud

Those who say this, have likely tried someone else’s hearing aids to ‘give them a go’. While it might be worth trying, in reality, it’s not going to make for the best first experience. Using someone else’s hearing aids that have been customized and tailored to that individual, means the settings aren’t going to be compatible with your hearing.

With hearing aids nowadays, you have a lot more customization and control over what you hear and how comfortable it is for your ears.

6. Hearing Will Be Restored to Perfection

While this is something we’d all want to be true, that’s not quite the case. Hearing aids don’t cure the hearing loss that you have, it’s adapted to process a number of sounds and noises that your ears can no longer perceive.

That part of your brain that houses the hearing center goes through a learning process. It takes time to acclimatize and while it may feel like you’ve got your hearing back, it’s not going to be a permanent fix that magically brings back your hearing when you remove your devices.

7. There’s Always Feedback with Hearing Aids

<p>In a lot of the older models, hearing aids often had technical problems such as feedback and annoying whistling sounds. However, that’s now been worked upon and <a href=”https://heardothan.com/hearing-aids/”>modern hearing aids</a> are now at a technical level that is far more superior. No more annoying whistling sounds in sight!</p>

8. Hearing Aids Won’t Get Rid of Tinnitus

Of course, tinnitus may not be rid completely but when you wear a hearing aid, you will find that it’s greatly reduced. If you’re someone who has tinnitus, you’ll find that using hearing aids will mask the ringing sounds that typically come with this ear condition.

9. You Only Need to Adjust Your Hearing Aid Once

While some hearing aid users may have very few issues when it comes to adjusting their hearing aid, not everyone will get it right the first time. You will still need to see an audiologist regularly to make sure that there’s been no change in your hearing.

10. Hearing Aids Will Get in the Way

Remember that annoying whistling sound and feedback? That’s what this myth is based upon. Older hearing aids may have caused this when making a phone call but nowadays, you can enjoy a phone call without needing to worry about your hearing aids creating a disruption.

If you’re looking to learn more about hearing aids, get in touch with Physicians Hearing Center at (334) 441-4090. You’ll get expert advice and guidance on what hearing aids might be suitable for you and your ear health.

Tags: hearing aid styles